Monday, June 23, 2014

Garlic Natures Antibiotic...

Hey did you know that before modern medicine in America was developed that doctors prescribed sick patients Garlic!?  Yes I am a strong believer in the fact that G-O-D has provided us with all the things we need to treat our ailments right here on earth.  But unfortunately due to many man made chemicals and food we now may in fact need man made medicine to treat more serious conditions.  If needed by all means seek a doctors opinion on any serious condition you may be having.  But I have learned that "preventative" medicine can be found in many fruits, veggies, and spices.  So I am sure many of you have heard some type of old wives tale about recipes containing garlic to cure all sorts of things.  I am here to tell you the myth is in deed fact!  First of all to all my ladies out there but Garlic can be a big supporter in vaginal health!  How.... Ok so...Garlic kills yeast automatically, yeast cannot survive anywhere that garlic is present.  Bakers who are making garlic bread have to add garlic to bread after it has risen or else the bread will be ruined.  So keeping a good amount of garlic in your diet is supper important.  Try adding fresh minced garlic to your eggs, salads, and sandwiches, or wherever else you can squeeze it in.  Also to keep the pH of your vagina balanced and  to prevent it from over producing yeast.  It is a good practice to insert a peeled garlic clove into the vagina over night at least once a month.  You can wrap it in a piece of cheese cloth first so that it is easy to retrieve the next morning.  But 9 times out of ten when you wake up and use the bathroom in the morning the garlic will just fall out in it's own. (Yes I just wrote all of that! Lol). Don't be alarmed it is amazing how easily we as women can insert man made products like tampons in our  "You know what's!"  But cringe at the thought of putting garlic there which is 100% natural.  Weird right?  Try it and become a believer...Live, Learn, Love!

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