Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Best Burn Remedy Period

So you burn yourself...that really sucks!  Getting burned is not only painful but it can leave a scar.  I tried this remedy after burning my hand with steaming hot water from a hot water nozzle on a coffee machine at work.  The water really got all over my left hand.  I noticed it was a bit swollen and bright red a few seconds later.  I had to wrap my hand in gauze because any contact with my hand was painful and irritating.  I did not apply any ointment or anything else to my burn I just suffered through the pain until I got home.  When I got in I gently washed the burn with mild soap and Luke warm water...which hurt like hell by the way.  Then I opened up my fridge to get my miracle burn treatment..Greek Yogurt!  Make sure that it is actually Greek yogurt and that it is plain with no sugar added.  I applied a few small spoon full's to my hand and slathered it on my burn.  I sat down for about an hour and allowed to yogurt to dry.  I fell asleep with the dried yogurt still on my hand.  When I woke up the next morning I noticed my hand was no longer swollen and my burn wasn't throbbing like it was before.  I rinsed off the remaining yogurt and I was shocked to see no redness and no bruising!  WTF is what I thought to myself...I had never seen a burn heel so fast!  It was almost like I had never been burned in the first place.  When I went to work the next day my co workers could not believe that the burn I had gotten yesterday had virtually disappeared!  So next time that you get burned please try this you will be amazed by the results!!  Live, Learn, Love!!!

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