Friday, June 20, 2014

Fight Cellulite with Coffee!!

Hey did you know that you could use your morning coffee to fight cellulite!?  Well I'm here to enlighten you.  Cellulite is an unattractive dimpling affect caused by fat deposits under the skin.  Don't worry 90% of women have cellulite some where on their bodies but don't worry there are ways to treat it.  First off a clean diet and lots of water intake fights cellulite so stay away from too much fried foods, bread, pasta, and dairy.  Exercise and maintaining good circulation especially for your legs is a must!  The fight against cellulite starts in the kitchen and ends in the shower.  Make sure you are using a bamboo brush, or body scrub to stimulate your skin in the shower everyday maintain beautiful skin and fight cellulite.  The caffeine in coffee works wonders at reducing the appearance of cellulite almost instantly.  After a treatment with your diy coffee scrub your skin will instantly look tighter and healthier and with continued use you will definitely  notice a difference.  You can purchase coffee body scrubs all over but they can be a bit expensive.  I prefer to make my own at home.  Now you have to options you can actually use your left over coffee grounds from your morning coffee for this treatment or if your not a big coffee drinker you can use fresh grounds, either way works great.  Now I prefer to make this treatment in small batches to maintain it's freshness.  So I usually make enough for a week and seal it in an airtight jar.  All you need is 2 cups of ground coffee and a half a cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  Mix it up and apply to your skin.  Your skin will feel amazing after this treatment but your shower will be dirty so just make sure to let the shower run after your done to rinse away all of the coffee grounds and that's it!! Live, Learn, Love!

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