Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Apple of my Eye.....Apple Cider Vinegar

Let's hear it for ACV!!  I don't now about you but I absolutely love apple cider vinegar.  Ok I get it the idea of vinegar may be kinda gross for some.  It's sour, bitter, and has a strong smell but it is such a super product!  Ok let's break it down you can buy ACV for pretty cheap at your supermarket for about $2 per bottle or if you want to up the anty you can spring for an organic brand of ACV like Braggs which is about $6 per bottle.  What's the difference?  Yeah organic is supposed to better for you and all that but the major difference is that organic ACV still contains "mother" which is a kinda of placenta looking skin left in the bottle yum! Are you grossed out yet? Lol! The "mother" is so good for digestion, cleansing your intestinal tract and colon.  It is good to drink a cap full of organic ACV a day if you can't stomach it try adding it to a cup of water.  Doing this is also great for weight loss and clearing up your skin tone from the inside out.  Still not convinced?  ACV also works great as a toner for the skin when diluted with equal parts water.  It detoxifies and clarifies your skin.  It also works great at cleansing and clarifilying your scalp and hair.  ACV breaks down in product residue you may have on your scalp.  Use a 1:3 ratio when using ACV on your hair 1 part ACV 3 parts water.  Your hair will look and feel amazing after this treatment.  You will not need to shampoo just douse your scalp and hair in the mixture massage into your scalp and let it sit will in the shower for about 5 min rinse and then condition as usual.  This treatment is also great if you suffer from an itcy scalp like I do.  I also combine ACV with bentonite clay and make an amazing clay mask!  You can purchase bentonite clay online it's pretty inexpensive and it is best to use the organic ACV on your face.  You will feel this mask pulsate as it tightens OMG it's amazing it will leave your skin looking beautiful and refreshed!  Oh and feel free to add a pinch of tummeric to your mixture to take this mask to the next level....Live, Learn, Love

Check out the E book below for healthy skin recipes :D

 Skin Care With Food

1 comment:

  1. Apple cider is great stuff, I have found that over time my taste buds have become accustom to the taste and now I find it quite refreshing. Well worth the extra money for the unfiltered version.
