Monday, June 23, 2014

Garlic Natures Antibiotic...

Hey did you know that before modern medicine in America was developed that doctors prescribed sick patients Garlic!?  Yes I am a strong believer in the fact that G-O-D has provided us with all the things we need to treat our ailments right here on earth.  But unfortunately due to many man made chemicals and food we now may in fact need man made medicine to treat more serious conditions.  If needed by all means seek a doctors opinion on any serious condition you may be having.  But I have learned that "preventative" medicine can be found in many fruits, veggies, and spices.  So I am sure many of you have heard some type of old wives tale about recipes containing garlic to cure all sorts of things.  I am here to tell you the myth is in deed fact!  First of all to all my ladies out there but Garlic can be a big supporter in vaginal health!  How.... Ok so...Garlic kills yeast automatically, yeast cannot survive anywhere that garlic is present.  Bakers who are making garlic bread have to add garlic to bread after it has risen or else the bread will be ruined.  So keeping a good amount of garlic in your diet is supper important.  Try adding fresh minced garlic to your eggs, salads, and sandwiches, or wherever else you can squeeze it in.  Also to keep the pH of your vagina balanced and  to prevent it from over producing yeast.  It is a good practice to insert a peeled garlic clove into the vagina over night at least once a month.  You can wrap it in a piece of cheese cloth first so that it is easy to retrieve the next morning.  But 9 times out of ten when you wake up and use the bathroom in the morning the garlic will just fall out in it's own. (Yes I just wrote all of that! Lol). Don't be alarmed it is amazing how easily we as women can insert man made products like tampons in our  "You know what's!"  But cringe at the thought of putting garlic there which is 100% natural.  Weird right?  Try it and become a believer...Live, Learn, Love!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Get summer ready legs with citrus!

Yes it Is officially summer!  It's time to get those legs in tip top condition for all the shorts, skirts, and dresses you will be wearing!  Do you ever wonder how some women achieve that beautiful glowing skin?  I will show you how I do it!  Ok so this recipe is one that I have been using for a couple of years now because it works like no other!  You will need one large grapefruit, and 2 oranges, brown sugar, extra virgin olive oil, and a fruit/veggie peeler (you know the thing you peel potatoes with).  If you own a dehydrator kudos to you, you can finally have an excuse to use it!  If not your oven set on the lowest setting possible will work just fine.  Peel the fruit you will only need the rinds for this leg scrub.  Arrange all of the rinds on a cookie sheet and leave in the oven overnight make sure your oven is on the LOWEST Setting possible some have a setting that says "warm" if you have this setting use it.  In the morning your rinds will be completely dehydrated.  Transfer them in the blender on pulse setting, give them a few quick pulse 2-3 just to break the pieces down.  Mix with a few table spoons of olive oil and a cup of brown sugar and you have just created the best brightening scrub ever!  Use as often as you like you will immediately see a youthful gorgeous glow to your skin.  Store in an Air tight container this scrub will last about a month...Live, Learn, Love!!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Onion for Hair Growth!

Yea ok I know onions get a bad rap.  They are the heartbreakers of all the fruits and vegetables known to make the toughest women and the strongest men cry with ease.  Oh and don't forget their pungent smell.  If someone says you smell like onions, I'm here to tell you it's not a compliment! Lol But nonetheless onions are one of my favorite veggies.  Not only for the amazing flavor they bring to so many dishes but also for their medicinal properties.  I am not a big fan of vitamins which I may have mentioned in a past blog so I prefer to get my needed nutrients from food.  In my open vitamins are considered foreign to the body and are mostly discarded in our waste.  There is nothing like the real thing.  But if you are a believer in vitamins make sure you are always taking them along with vitamin C or ascorbic acid this will help them to be absorbed by the body as much as possible which is still at most only about 20%.  Ok so back to onions, onions are highly potent in sulfur so when consumed ( especially raw) do wonders for the stomach and digestive tract.  But my favorite use for onions is as a hair treatment.  The sulfur in onion is amazing in waking up dead and under stimulated hair follicles resulting in hair growth.  So if you are experiencing thinning or balding do to tension, stress, or lord knows why this would be a great treatment to try.  To make my onion treatment I use 3 ingredients or sometimes even 1 it's up to you depending on the severity of your hair loss.  The supercharged treatment contains the juice from one white or yellow onion.  I prefer to use the juicer or a blender and strain out the pulp we only want the juice.  To protect your self from tearing up while making this treatment, peel your onion, cut off both ends, and then rinse it in cold water.  This will stop you from getting too emotional during the preparation.  So after you have your juice you can either add it to a squeeze or small spray bottle and spray it on the affected area twice a day.  Or you can add 1 table spoon of onion juice to 2 teaspoons of castor oil and add in a teaspoon of cayenne pepper.  Mix well massage into affected area at night before bed.  CAUTION!!! Be very careful not to get any of this mixture or the onion juice by itself into your eyes!!!  Try this method regularly for the best results!  Make these treatments in small batches and store them in the fridge in an air tight container.  It should last about a week in the fridge. Try it! Live, Learn, Love!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Fight Cellulite with Coffee!!

Hey did you know that you could use your morning coffee to fight cellulite!?  Well I'm here to enlighten you.  Cellulite is an unattractive dimpling affect caused by fat deposits under the skin.  Don't worry 90% of women have cellulite some where on their bodies but don't worry there are ways to treat it.  First off a clean diet and lots of water intake fights cellulite so stay away from too much fried foods, bread, pasta, and dairy.  Exercise and maintaining good circulation especially for your legs is a must!  The fight against cellulite starts in the kitchen and ends in the shower.  Make sure you are using a bamboo brush, or body scrub to stimulate your skin in the shower everyday maintain beautiful skin and fight cellulite.  The caffeine in coffee works wonders at reducing the appearance of cellulite almost instantly.  After a treatment with your diy coffee scrub your skin will instantly look tighter and healthier and with continued use you will definitely  notice a difference.  You can purchase coffee body scrubs all over but they can be a bit expensive.  I prefer to make my own at home.  Now you have to options you can actually use your left over coffee grounds from your morning coffee for this treatment or if your not a big coffee drinker you can use fresh grounds, either way works great.  Now I prefer to make this treatment in small batches to maintain it's freshness.  So I usually make enough for a week and seal it in an airtight jar.  All you need is 2 cups of ground coffee and a half a cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  Mix it up and apply to your skin.  Your skin will feel amazing after this treatment but your shower will be dirty so just make sure to let the shower run after your done to rinse away all of the coffee grounds and that's it!! Live, Learn, Love!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Best Burn Remedy Period

So you burn yourself...that really sucks!  Getting burned is not only painful but it can leave a scar.  I tried this remedy after burning my hand with steaming hot water from a hot water nozzle on a coffee machine at work.  The water really got all over my left hand.  I noticed it was a bit swollen and bright red a few seconds later.  I had to wrap my hand in gauze because any contact with my hand was painful and irritating.  I did not apply any ointment or anything else to my burn I just suffered through the pain until I got home.  When I got in I gently washed the burn with mild soap and Luke warm water...which hurt like hell by the way.  Then I opened up my fridge to get my miracle burn treatment..Greek Yogurt!  Make sure that it is actually Greek yogurt and that it is plain with no sugar added.  I applied a few small spoon full's to my hand and slathered it on my burn.  I sat down for about an hour and allowed to yogurt to dry.  I fell asleep with the dried yogurt still on my hand.  When I woke up the next morning I noticed my hand was no longer swollen and my burn wasn't throbbing like it was before.  I rinsed off the remaining yogurt and I was shocked to see no redness and no bruising!  WTF is what I thought to myself...I had never seen a burn heel so fast!  It was almost like I had never been burned in the first place.  When I went to work the next day my co workers could not believe that the burn I had gotten yesterday had virtually disappeared!  So next time that you get burned please try this you will be amazed by the results!!  Live, Learn, Love!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Cleopatra's Bath

Want to have skin like a Goddess?  Well this next recipe will show you how.  I love SPA treatments and love to do them at home as well, it's great for your mind body and spirit and also cost effective ;).  This is part 2 of my Lactic Acid series and it's called Cleopatra's Bath.  Last post we talked about the benefits of exfoliating using lactic acid.  This treatment will focus on your body.  Get ready to travel back in time to ancient Egypt.  It is said the Cleopatra bathed in milk and honey to preserve her beauty, and if it's good enough for Cleopatra it's damn sure good enough for me!  So all you will need for this treatment is a small jar of honey, 2 cups powdered milk ( or half a gallon whole milk), and a bathtub.  I prefer to use powdered milk but if you can find it whole milk works just fine but make sure it's whole milk.  Fill up your tub with mostly hot water as hot as you can comfortably stand it and add the milk and honey to the running water.  Get in an luxuriate!  The Lactic acid in the milk removes that dead layer of skin as the honey soaks deeply into your pores, moisturizing your skin like none other.  Turn on some music or grab a book you want to soak in this mixture for 30 min to an hour.  Grab some exfoliating gloves or a bath brush and lightly scrub your skin.  After soaking you will want to drain the tub and take a shower.  Moisturize your skin with coconut oil.  You will instantly feel a difference in the softness of your skin!  Try to get this treatment in once a month.  Now that you have Cleopatra's beauty secret down pact now all you need is an empire to rule over.....Live, Learn, Love!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Easy Lactic Acid Peels At Home

So you might be thinking Lactic Acid sounds deadly and I don't want that stuff anywhere near my face!  Hey I get it, it's one of the biggest mis conceptions about facial peels.  Yes there are some really severe chemical peels in the market but I won't speak on those because I use know I like to go the more natural route.  So in walks lactic acid, which is natural acid found in milk.  Lactic acid is a natural exfoliant.  To purchase a lactic acid peel at a spa would cost you anywhere between $50 and $120.  I wanted to experience the benefits of this peel but within the means of my budget so I did my research.  Applying Lactic acid to your face gently removes dead skin dirt and impurities to reveal a beautiful healthy layer underneath.  Think of your skin like a snake who sheds it's outer layer to reveal a beautiful shiny layer underneath.  The dust in the air and settling on the items in your home is made up of about 80% of yep you guessed it your shed skin!  Sounds gross right!  Well doing regular lactic acid peels on your face will keep your skin with that healthy glow never weighed down by dead skin.  Ok so how?  Although lactic acid is present in milk you can purchase a more concentrated version on ebay for about $10.  I suggest you purchase 88% lactic acid.  Now when you receive your lactic acid you will need a clean flat makeup brush( foundation brush), a timer, some isopropyl and some baking soda on hand.  So to prepare take 2 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a small bowl mix and set aside.  In another small bowl take 1 teaspoon of lactic acid and mix with 1 teaspoon of water.  You need to dilute your lactic acid so that it is not to harsh, by diluting it with equal parts water you have taken it from 88% down to 44% which is perfect for regular lactic acid peels.  Use the alcohol and a cotton pad to prep your skin by removing any dirt and oils.  Set your timer for 4 min and hit start!  Dip your brush into the lactic acid and evenly distribute it onto your face being careful not to get it in around or under your eyes, your lips, and the corners of your nose these areas are sensitive and should be avoided.  After fully applying let the acid sit until the timer goes off.  You should feel a bit of tingling this is normal.  When the timer goes off dip a cotton pad into your baking soda solution and apply all over your face. You will hear fizzing!  The baking soda is neutralizing the acid this is normal.  After neutralizing thouroghly rinse your face with luke warm water.  I suggest applying coconut oil as amoisturizer only for the next few days.  Also when going outdoors be sure to apply sunscreen now that your skin has deeply exfoliated.  You will see a slight rosey hue to your face.  Your face will not peel enough for you to see it so don't expect to see skin coming off.  This peel will continue to work over the next few days.  Your skin will look better and better as the days go by and any pimples you had before the peel will disappear.  Do this treatment every 2 weeks or once a month depending on how bad your blemishes and acne is.  T
Try it....Live, Learn, Love!!

Friday, June 6, 2014

How to Be Brown Sugar Beautiful

Dark Brown Sugar (DBS) is another staple in my household, and not for it's traditional use which would be in the kitchen.  Yup you guessed it I use it for my face.  I use dark brown sugar on my face because of it's texture.  The skin on your face is very delicate and bruises easy, so you can not use the same scrub that you would use for your body on your face.  Dark Brown Sugar has small soft granules that melt which makes it perfect for facial and lip scrubs.  A box of DBS goes for about $4 and will last you months!  My favorite recipe for a DBS facial/lip scrub is a heaping table spoon of DBS combined with a teaspoon of coconut oil and a few drops of extra virgin olive oil.  I like to make this mixture right before I use it in small batches.  Because DBS melts pretty easily this mixture does not have a shelf life so it is best to mix it and then use it right away.  Not only is this scrub great for your skin and lips it tastes and smells amazing!! It is important to really focus on your lips when using this scrub.  Our lips are one of the most neglected parts of our face.  Lips should be exfoliated regularly to maintain their softness and rid them of dead skin and product build up.  Also when using this scrub don't for get to scrub your neck and collar bone area.  After scrubing thouroghly rinse with warm water to remove all the sugar.  When your done your skin will look like you just left the spa trust me!!  No need to moisturize after this the coconut and olive oils have already thouroghly moisturized your skin wait about 20 min to apply make up to make sure oils are fully absorbed!  If you have oily skin "NO" doing this will not make you more oily in fact it will do just the opposite.  Before applying makeup feel free to apply your oil free primers they will work even better after this scrub.  Try it and you will be hooked!...Live, Learn, Love!!

For more natural recipes download this amazing E book below... :D

Skincare with Food

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The secret skin weapon!

Hey....yeah you!  Are you armed and ready to battle your next skin breakout in record time?  Well I'm going to share my secret weapon with you.  Ok so you have just notice warfare going on on your face, don't panic reach for this wonder spice to handle this situation!  What is it?  Cumin Seeds!  Yup that's it no expensive gels or creams to fight a major breakout just cumin seeds!  So let's discuss how this works.  You need to get whole cumin seeds NOT the ground version.  All you do is take 2 tablespoon of the seeds and add them to a cup of water and boil.  Cover the pot and let this mixture boil for about 10 -15min on med to high heat.  Make sure that all of the the seeds are completely submersed in the water and are not sticking to the sides of the pot.  You do not want them to burn.  Stir the mixture occasionally.  After they are thoroughly boiled grab a strainer and strain the seeds out and throw them away it's the liquid that you want.  Be very careful when straining this mixture will be hot!  I suggest making a small batch because it only lasts about a week in the fridge which is where you need to store it.  Cumin has a bit if a musty smell to it but it is not to strong.  The liquid should be a yellowish brown color.  Set in the fridge in a glass cup or bowl and allow it to cool completely before using it.  After an hour of cooling it is ready to use.  Grab a cotton pad and dab it into the liquid and apply it to the break out area after washing your face.  The cumin seed liquid will act as your toner.  It is highly potent and will neutralize the bacteria in your skin demolishing your break out!  Keep using this as a toner twice a day after washing and before moisturizing.  You may see a difference overnight depending on how bad the break out is.  Cumin seeds can be purchased for about $2 and are a must have in your pantry.  Hey might win some, but you just lost one!...Live, Learn, Love  ;)

Click the link below to learn more ways to care for your skin using food :D

Skin Care with Food

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What the heck is Orange blossom water?

Ok first things first orange blossom water sounds amazing.  It sounds like something you would bathe in if Euphoria existed.  If there was a fountain of youth it would probably be filled with orange blossom water lol.  It just sounds so divine.  But really what is it?  And where can you get it?  Orange blossom is basically distilled water infused with orange blossom which makes it rich in vitamin C or asorbic acid.  Orange blossom water (OBM) smells amazing and is surprisingly very inexpensive.  You can find it at pretty much in any supermarket that has a foreign goods aisle.  This product will be located in the Asian foods section for about $3 per 8oz bottle.  So what do I use it for?  OBM works amazingly well as a toner, it is light, refreshing, and did I mention it smells amazing.  You can dab some on a cotton pad and use it after cleansing and before moisturizing your skin.  But my favorite way to use this product is as a skin refreshing mist.  I add some to a small spray bottle and keep it in my purse to refresh my skin throughout the day.  This water is super hydrating and the vitamin C is sure to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy.  There are several similar products on the market that retail from $7-$15 for a 2 oz bottle so you do the math.  This product also works wonders while I am applying my makeup.  I spray it on my brushes before applying foundation for an airbrushed look or when using eye shadow for a more pigmented result.  I also use this as my finishing spray to remove that cakey look.  It leaves my skin looking dewy and really helps set my makeup.  So hey for about $3 you can go wrong, try it....Live, Learn, Love!

For learning how to care for your skin in the healthiest way check out the link below :D

Skin Care with Food

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Apple of my Eye.....Apple Cider Vinegar

Let's hear it for ACV!!  I don't now about you but I absolutely love apple cider vinegar.  Ok I get it the idea of vinegar may be kinda gross for some.  It's sour, bitter, and has a strong smell but it is such a super product!  Ok let's break it down you can buy ACV for pretty cheap at your supermarket for about $2 per bottle or if you want to up the anty you can spring for an organic brand of ACV like Braggs which is about $6 per bottle.  What's the difference?  Yeah organic is supposed to better for you and all that but the major difference is that organic ACV still contains "mother" which is a kinda of placenta looking skin left in the bottle yum! Are you grossed out yet? Lol! The "mother" is so good for digestion, cleansing your intestinal tract and colon.  It is good to drink a cap full of organic ACV a day if you can't stomach it try adding it to a cup of water.  Doing this is also great for weight loss and clearing up your skin tone from the inside out.  Still not convinced?  ACV also works great as a toner for the skin when diluted with equal parts water.  It detoxifies and clarifies your skin.  It also works great at cleansing and clarifilying your scalp and hair.  ACV breaks down in product residue you may have on your scalp.  Use a 1:3 ratio when using ACV on your hair 1 part ACV 3 parts water.  Your hair will look and feel amazing after this treatment.  You will not need to shampoo just douse your scalp and hair in the mixture massage into your scalp and let it sit will in the shower for about 5 min rinse and then condition as usual.  This treatment is also great if you suffer from an itcy scalp like I do.  I also combine ACV with bentonite clay and make an amazing clay mask!  You can purchase bentonite clay online it's pretty inexpensive and it is best to use the organic ACV on your face.  You will feel this mask pulsate as it tightens OMG it's amazing it will leave your skin looking beautiful and refreshed!  Oh and feel free to add a pinch of tummeric to your mixture to take this mask to the next level....Live, Learn, Love

Check out the E book below for healthy skin recipes :D

 Skin Care With Food

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Healing Powers of Tumeric...

I have always fantasized about being draped in the silks and gold of India, the vibrant purples, greens, and reds are so beautiful to look at.  But wait!  Have you noticed that Indian people have beautiful skin and usually don't suffer from as much breakouts as their american counterparts?  Well I have and I think this is owed to the fact that the Indian culture is very much supported on the idea of Ayurvedic Medicine which basically means alternative medicine it is an ancient Hindu tradition.  Many of the remedies I use today are derived from this age old practice.  I am a pretty practical person who likes to see results.  I am also not to fond on using man made products, and in walks the love of my life Turmeric.  This spice is comes from the turmeric root which grows from the ground.  It encapsulates the essence of India in my opinion the color is just so rich and vibrant and the smell reminds me of a far away land I just love it!  Turmeric is fairly inexpensive and can be found in the spice aisle at most supermarkets.  It is a golden orange color and has a powder like consistency.  I add this spice to my facial masks when my skin is feeling lack luster and tired, turmeric is detoxifying and has anti inflammatory properties.  So if you feel a break out coming on or are tired and stressed add a pinch to a clay mask of your choice and feel the benefits.  Turmeric also helps with hyperpigmentation on the skin.  If you have acne scars try dabbing some of it on several times a week and watch your skin tone even out!  Turmeric is also great at working inside the body, combining a teaspoon of turmeric with a warm glass of almond milk will help to balance the body's PH, help lubricate the lungs and airways, as well as promoting good digestion and cleansing the colon. So why don't you have this spice in your cabinet yet?.....Live, Learn, Love!

Check out this E book for more information about improving your skin with food :)

Skin Care with Food

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Baking Soda Beauty...

Yes you seen that little orange box in just about every supermarket.  Well can you believe that this is a beauty product that I can not live without!  Yep Baking Soda as a beauty product sounds weird right?  Baking soda can be bought for about $1 a box.  It's scientific name is Sodium Bicarbonate and was traditionally used as an antacid.  Would you believe me if I told you it works wonders on skin!  I use Baking Soda on my face about every 3 days or whenever I feel a breakout coming on.  Simply pour out about a table spoon of baking soda into the palm of your hand and add a couple drops of water and POW you have just created the ultimate facial scrub that remove oil and dirt and impurities in your skin that cause white heads and black heads!  Gently massage your skin in a circular motion with this paste for about 2 minutes your face should look white when your done and then simply rinse it off with luke warm water and pat dry with a towel.  Make sure to rinse all the baking soda away.  Your skin may be slightly red after this treatment but it will instantly look better!  For best results apply a few drops of coconut oil in the palm of your hands massage your hands together and then gently massage your face. Facial massage is extremely important in maintaining the tautness and youth of your skin so take your time when applying moisturizers.  I also use baking soda to neutralize my lactic acid peels that I do at home.  I will walk you through the steps and benefits of lactic acid peels in a later Blog.

Baking soda is also great for lightening up dark areas on the skin.  If you have problems with dark elbows and knees like I do...try adding a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice to 2 tablespoons of baking soda.  Using a bath brush scrub your knees and elbows with this mixture on a consistent basis, you will notice the difference in about a month!  Last but not least I also use Baking soda by itself or combined with coconut oil to brush my teeth which I spoke about in my last post.  After not going to the dentist in about 6 years...yes I know that sounds horrible, my dentist could not believe how great my teeth looked.  He told me patients that come to him regularly do not have teeth that are in as good of shape as mine.  He even called the dental hygienist in to have a look!  I told him my secret was Baking soda!  He was not surprised...Live, Learn, Love!

Oh and for help with acne or if your looking for some home made skin solutions chick out theses E books :)

COO COO for Coconut Oil...

Wow I remember always loving anything that was artificially coconut flavored as a child.  Growing up in Brooklyn, NY it was rare to see an actual coconut live and in living color much less eat one.  As an adult I have struggled with finding products that are healthy as well as delicious, enter the coconut.  Let's just start off with organic virgin coconut oil.  Make sure when buying your coconut oil that the label says "Organic andVirgin or Unrefined oil.  There are many variations on the market but this is the best.  You can find Coconut oil at your local supermarket or health food store for about $7-10 per 14 fl ounces.  This can be a little pricey for what seems to be just oil but trust me Coconut oil will quickly become your holy grail me!

Tonight I attended a great event where I got to catch up with a friend who is also in the industry.  A few months ago before a play we were starring in together I was singing the praises of coconut oil to the cast.  She told me tonight that she began implementing coconut oil into her regiment and she absolutely loves it and had even gotten her family into using it as well.  This just further confirmed for me how great this oil really is.  Coconut oil is high in Vitamin E which is great for your skin!  In my opinion it works best directly after a shower when your soaking wet before stepping out of the shower and toweling dry smooth the oil on to your skin and then wrap your self in a towel.  Your skin will feel amazing.  Also coconut oil is amazing at removing makeup.  It works better than any other makeup remover that I have ever used smooth it on to your face and watch the make up melt away.  I also wash my face in coconut oil.  I simply smooth it on in a circular motion and then take a wash cloth that has been steeped in steaming hot water and apply it gently to my skin absorbing all of the oil or you can simply wash the oil of using your favorite cleanser.

You can also brush your teeth with coconut oil it is much healthier than using traditional toothpaste.  Simply mix equal parts of coconut oil and baking soda and poof you have a healthy toothpaste that will also whiten your teeth.  Gargling with coconut oil which is called oil pulling is also extremely beneficial    It clears up acne, whitens teeth, freshens breath, relieves head aches, and removes dangerous bacteria from the mouth.  Coconut oil is also amazing for your hair.  It is made up of particles that are small enough to penetrate the hair shaft, moisturizing and strengthening your hair from the inside out.  Be sure to layer with a oil that has larger particles like Olive Oil or Grape Seed oil to seal moisture into the hair as coconut oil is not able to seal the hair because of its smaller particles.  And if all that wasn't enough coconut oil is also great to cook with.  It is great as a healthy replacement to butter in many dishes as well as a thickener for oatmeal and smoothies its simply delicious.  Coconut oil is great for digestion.  Swallowing 1 tablespoon of coconut oil per day will aid in digestion and cleansing your digestive tract.  If you do not own a jar of coconut oil I suggest you go out and get one as soon as you finish reading this post....Live, Learn, Love!

Check out the guide below for an in depth explanation on oil pulling :)

Oil Pulling Guide